The Best Exercise Games for the Xbox Kinect

Archive for the ‘About Xbox Fitness’ Category

kung fu for xbox

As most of you can tell, this blog has fallen into a bit of disrepair. The main reason is that the same is true of the state of fitness on the Xbox One. Yes, the “Xbox Fitness” feature for the Xbox One is still available, but aside from that it feels like developers are staying away from the Kinect. The bad press that the Kinect got when Microsoft tried to  [ Read More ]

Kinect Fitness for your 2012 Resolution to Lose Weight!

Posted by steve on December - 26 - 2011
Xbox console exercise equiment

Ho Ho Ho! Happy day-after-Christmas! So, you overate for Thanksgiving with turkey, pumpkin pie, and a dozen other thigh-enlarging foods. Then you doubled up on Christmas with candy, cookies, and another feast. Perhaps someone very nice got you a brand new Xbox for Christmas. The good news is, if you have the Kinect add-on, you CAN get a lot of exercise and lose weight. The question I hear a lot  [ Read More ]

How to Spot Fake Reviews on Amazon

Posted by steve on December - 1 - 2011
amazon sale on kinect

As most of you know, I like to post full reviews with videos on this site, and then post some of the key excepts of the reviews to Amazon. Recently, I posted a three-star review of Jillian Michaels Fitness Adventure under my “” moniker. I thought the review was fair, honest and balanced. I noticed a few things right away. First, a LOT more people were voting the review as “unhelpful”  [ Read More ]

Setting up the Xbox 360 and the Kinect

Posted by steve on April - 9 - 2011
finally done with kinect setup

This is a step-by-step account of setting up my brand new Xbox 360 with Kinect sensor. While it’s a pretty simple process, Microsoft has managed to make it as cumbersome and tedious as installing Windows Vista. Still, at the end of the process you’ll have a pretty cool game system and newfound encouragement to exercise.

How to buy an Xbox for Fitness

Posted by steve on April - 8 - 2011
Xbox console exercise equiment

Buying an Xbox for Fitness 101. We talk you through the basics of how to buy and Xbox and a Kinect sensor for use in your exercise program.

Xbox box for

The first post ever to XboxFitness.Org, introducing our brand new site which will provide the best reviews of Xbox Kinect fitness and exercise games on the Web! This site will aim to provide you with reviews of all the best Kinect Fitness Games out there. We’ll point out the best–and the not so best–so you’ll be able to invest your hard-earned money into the right games.